Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Out" Day

I've been out most of the day today. My day started with our usual Sunday Mass at St. Philomena Parish at 9:15 am. There was a guest missionary / priest who read today's gospel and then did the homily afterward ( instead of the officiating priest ) The guest priest was short and small in stature, (even shorter than Fr. Dem, the officiating priest.) but when he first spoke up to read today's gospel, I got "wowed" over the big resonant speaking voice he had. His voice was so crisp and clear, I bet that got everybody listening to his homily. I wonder if it will be as good if he sang a song after all, he probably came from a monastery at some point of his life as a priest.

As a quick side note before I get to other things, after the mass was dismissed and everybody was walking out a lady came to walk beside me, which I recognize as one of the lay ministers who help give communion to everybody and she said she liked to give communion near where I usually sat during mass because she could hear me singing and that she liked my singing voice. (AWWWW.... shucks!!! I'm blushing here, just kidding! LOL!)

This isn't actually the first time someone noticed me at church because of singing, (It's already been a lot of times I got noticed since I first came to St. Philomena.) There was even once or twice that I got invited to sing in one of the choirs because one or two of the choir members heard me singing during mass. (I guess my singing karaoke finally paid off! LOL!) But I've always politely said "no" to the invitations because I'M A SUCH A CHICKEN! I can actually sing a lot better if no one's watching. Sometimes, I can't even sing that good in front of my friends, what more in front of a lot of people I don't know... I'll probably go "mute".

After the mass we drove over to my sister's house to have lunch. The table was filled with delicious stuff (my sister's a pretty good cook and baker, I wouldn't be surprised if I gain weight during my three weeks stay with her while my parents go on vacation to the Philippines.) I finally got to return her book and I also made her a copy of the Twilight DVD I received from netflix yesterday, and as I had expected she loved getting a copy since she loved the movie so much (or was it really because of Edward Cullen, the main lead guy of the movie?)

After a couple of hours of rest after our visit to my sister's house, I did a little bit of shopping for toiletries (ones I need while staying at my sister's place) with my dad with was cut short with mom calling dad's cellphone telling us to return home cause one of dad's tarp sheds flew off because of today's windy weather, good thing I was pretty much done with my shopping although I would have liked to shop-hopping a little longer.

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