Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Friend's Sole Consolation...

I wasn't able to log-in and post anything for yesterday and with good reason, a friend of ours called yesterday sounding depressed and distraught over the line. At first I had a sinking notion that someone in her family must have passed away or something based on how she barely got words out in between sobs. Everything she said was like reading Morse code. Her words were either minced or eaten up by her long loud sobs. The only words I was able to make out was the last two words in her long tirade... "HE'S GONE."

I know her father has Alzheimer's but I'm sure it couldn't be because of him because we just saw him during mass last Sunday and she seemed more than okay. I had to wait a couple of minutes for her to calm down a bit and then maybe the details would come but when my Dad came home at that same time I decided to just go visit her at home since she sounded like she needed a friend that time. Luckily, my Dad had errands to run outside so he drove me to my friend's place. (even slept over there too)

After 30 minutes of just listening to her after I got there, I learned that her boyfriend of 3 years suddenly broke up with her for no apparent reason whatsoever and she called everybody in our group for consolation but everybody was at work and had their cell off or tucked away. (except for me of course, I'm "jobless" LOL!)

My first thought when she told me that she got dumped for no reason at all was that her boyfriend must have been seeing another girl or other girls behind her back while they were still together and now that the guy wanted to switch girlfriends she got dumped.

Let me make one thing clear ok? We know the girl but her now ex-boyfriend, we don't, well not as much as we would have liked anyway. They've pretty much kept the private stuff to themselves, which was only natural of course, that's how they wanted it. We've gone out with her and her boyfriend numerous times but as we all know, that doesn't guarantee we got to know her boyfriend. With that said, only our friend know how he really is. Who knows, he could have been a totally different person when we're around.

She told me that the guy didn't give her a reason why he's breaking up with her. To me that is just simply "UNACCEPTABLE!" Come on, there is always a reason for a break up! Because if there isn't then whatever relationship they had would have been meaningless to both parties, right? Kinda like those "no strings attached" deals wherein you date and go out with someone but you are free to see just about anyone else because there is no affirmation of any kind between the guy and the girl.

They have been together for 3 years, does that mean my friend wasted three years of her life to be with this guy just to get dumped for no apparent reason?! I'm sorry but I can't help myself from thinking that their is indeed a third party in the picture that either or friend doesn't know about or either she didn't wanna tell us about.

If I was in the same situation, I would rather accept my disability as one of the many reasons that might make a guy break up with me rather than him telling to me to call it quits for a reason he can't even pinpoint himself!

Even when the rest of our other friends got to her house later that evening, she still couldn't explain why she got dumped. (I was hoping that she had a better explanation after 2-3 hours had passed since she called me) Most of us, slept over yesterday night (except for Sam and Bunny who had to go home for an early shift today at 5 am) talking about it and debating over reasons why they broke up.

My friend cried until the wee hours of the morning and the rest of us cannot do anything for her except be there for her *SIGH* I won't be surprised if we'll eventually know the real reason of the break up sooner or later since the guy also lives within this area and knowing Sam and after I saw how pissed off she was yesterday night, I bet she would let the guy have a piece of her mind if ever she sees him walking down the street or somethin'


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