Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Starting A New ....

You're probably wondering why I've started this blog again after quite sometime...
Well, one reason is I'd like to start anew with a better concept of having everything I'm into (hobbies and all them other stuff) into one blog about this and that rather than having different blogs for each one! Okay, I know this really isn't new but its better for me ... with less blogs to worry about.

I'll get around to eliminating my other blogs as long as I'm sure I won't be using any of the past content I've done before...

So here's to starting a new....

On a side note...
I'm finally losing the rest of my "metal shiners" today!!! (Yes!!! after wearing it for more than a decade and a half :) ) I'm waiting for my dad as I'm typing this, for my ride to the dental office.


  1. Wow, Kristen...I can't believe you had braces that long...Well, finally you have 'em off. Can't wait to see that bright smile =)

  2. Wow isn't even the right word to describe it. UNBELIEVABLE is more like it. it's amazing I still got my teeth in there!
